Sunday, 2 October 2011

MAG run 25th September

Some will argue it was a waste of time as very little new coverage was to be had. Down near me the local news people covered it reasonably well even explaining correctly the reasons. Which is rare when it comes to the press!
The actual run went well but there were a few incidents where the cagers thought they would bulldoz their way thru several hundred bikes which wasn't gonna happen in their wildest dreams! They just got surrounded and slowed to a walking pace for a few miles, myself a spotty youth tried to off me by pulling into the middle of the road as I passed on my way home, not sure what he thought he would achieve but rode alongside his open window until the glow of the his red face became to much! Then a couple of white van men wanted to play sandwich the biker but the all powerful ol-syd just kept them at 15mph for a while once in front.............twats!

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